
Wednesday 13 January 2016

            When should you worry?  
See a dermatologist if dryness and tingling keep you 
conscious during the evening, if OTC moisturizers aren't 
working, on the off chance that you have open injuries or
expansive territories of scaling or peeling skin, or on the off
 chance that you build up a contamination from scratching.
 You could have a more genuine condition, for example,
dermatitis, psoriasis or another skin issue.

                Did you know?

Despite the fact that everybody's skin changes with age, a man's skin tends to stay damp longer. That is on account of a lady's skin turns out to be much drier after menopause. 

The best time to apply salve is instantly after a shower or shower, when skin is still soggy. 

Since dry skin is additional touchy, it's vital shield it from the sun, particularly on the off chance that it's snowing (snow can reflect as much as 80 percent of the sun's beams). Apply SPF 15 or higher consistently to your face, neck and ears.

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